DHL Shipping

DHL Shipping

Available in Free, Business, Multivendor, Ultimate, Platform, Marketplace, Auto.
    Compatible: 5.2.10.x - 5.5.1.x
1 year of free upgrades
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Author: X-Cart team
Installations: 3211
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The add-on integrates X-Cart with DHL Express, a global shipping company providing international express mail services with a network in over 220 countries and territories across the globe.

Key features

  • Various carrier services support

    DHL Express shipping integration supports a number of carrier services such as DHL Express, DHL Express Worldwide, DHL Domestic Express (in supported countries), DHL Express Easy, and DHL Express Envelope.

  • Real-time shipping calculation

    The add-on provides real-time shipping quotes for DHL Express delivery methods.

  • Shipment value protection on full order subtotal or on fixed value

    Get financial protection against most risks of physical loss or damage due to external causes. The add-on allows you to specify insured value for the shipment, otherwise insurance will be calculated for an order subtotal.

  • Flexible package settings

    Set Dimension unit, Weight unit, Package box type, Package dimensions, Maximum package weight.

  • Test mode is available

    To make sure everything is functioning correctly, Test mode allows you to check rate calculation before going live.

  • Debugging mode

    If you face any issues in the add-on work in your store, enable debugging mode to start logging of all communication between your shopping cart and the DHL server, which will help you to find the cause of the issue.

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Score: 4.4 (votes: 30)
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