PDF Invoice

PDF Invoice

  • $99.00
Included in Ultimate, Platform, Marketplace, Auto, Enterprise.
    Compatible: 5.1.0.x - 5.5.1.x
1 year of free upgrades
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Author: Qualiteam
Installations: 2385
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This is so common and convenient to use PDF files in our business every day so we just ceased it to notice. This add-on provides such a small but useful feature for X-Cart.

Key features

  • A file with PDF-invoice can be attached to one or multiple orders (is managed from admin side).
  • PDF Invoice is automatically attached to any admin's or customer's letter if it contains an order link.
  • You can enable option "Clear order email content when the invoice is attached" not to duplicate one and the same text in the email body and email attachment.
  • You can set your own filename for the attached PDF-files.
  • PDF-files with invoices are cached separately for admins and customers.
Average rating:
Score: 4.5 (votes: 29)
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  • Sep 11, 2019, 08:22
    Very proffessional