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Gain access to 4 marketing apps that generate sales for tens of thousands of happy customers worldwide
On average we can help your business generate up to 40% in new sales per month.
Website abandonment and cart abandonment are responsible for businesses only achieving up to 30% of their potential sales. 70% or 3 in 4 potential customers place your products in their basket and then abandon. VePlatform tracks all of your customers across your site and lets you deploy a series of Apps designed to win those customers back.
A display advertising app that lets you advertise through display or social media
A search optimisation app that presents the end user with a gallery of products that match their keyword search if they try to bounce from your site without purchasing
A shopping prompt app that displays a key message or offer to a user if they try to leave your site after browsing and don’t make a purchase
An abandoned cart app that automatically sends a series of emails to customers who abandon their cart in the transaction pages
Install the VePlatform add-on to begin your test trial.