Abandoned Orders Recovering

Abandoned Orders Recovering (not supported)

by SpurIT
  • $200.00
    Compatible: 5.0.0.x - 5.2.23.x
1 year of free upgrades
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Author: SpurIT
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This module is no longer supported, but don't worry! Just contact us, and we'll arrange an alternative.

This add-on is indispensable if you want to increase your sales! The Abandoned Orders Recovering add-on allows finding customers with abandoned orders and asks them to finish these orders. Customers will be notified by email about lost products and it is a great opportunity to bolster shop income.

The Shop administrator can tweak the add-on and define below mentioned options by means of add-on settings panel:

  • set period of abandoned orders checking
  • set a number of notifications sent to a client about an abandoned order
  • set time interval in days between notifications sent to a client about an abandoned order
  • possibility to ignore orders older than a defined period of time (can be used if you have just installed the add-on and already have a lot of abandoned orders)
  • possibility to define the following condition: Should the notification be sent or not in case if a customer has an abandoned order but he has paid for some other order
  • possibility to define the following condition: Should the notification be sent or not in case if a customer has received message about another abandoned order enable/disable sending of report with stats about abandoned and recovered orders

The shop administrator can use following tabs on the Abandoned Orders page:

  • Abandoned Orders: list of abandoned orders
  • Recovered orders: list of payed orders which were added to the list of abandoned orders earlier
  • Email Reminders: list of sent e-mail notifications
  • Email Templates: setting notification templates up about abandoned orders

The administrator can create email notification templates for each country separately, e.g. different languages can be used. A user receives a message template according to his/her country. The default template will be used if the template for the country is not created. It makes your messages more personal and convenient for clients from different countries. Also it allows you to control marketing strategy in a more flexible way.

This product will cover your outlays very quickly!

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