Blog System in X-Cart 5

Blog System in X-Cart 5

  • $249.00
Included in Ultimate.
    Compatible: 5.1.0.x - 5.5.1.x
1 year of free upgrades
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Author: Qualiteam
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Blog System in X-Cart 5
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It’s a well-known fact that an active blog helps your eCommerce store by:

  • Capture long-tail traffic, which means a positive effect on SEO
  • Engage and educate your community, encouraging the customers to come back again and again
  • Enhance your credibility as customers learn more about you, your personality and your company
  • Encourage valuable customer feedback that can be incorporated in future marketing campaigns or product/service development

Done correctly a blog is a competitive advantage to your eCommerce business. If you have expertise to share and are ready for blogging on a regular basis, this is a perfect time to start!

Note: The addon doesn’t support any 3rd party Wordpress plugins. Please contact us to extend its functionality to your custom business needs.

Key Features

  • Access WordPress as part of the X-Cart system.

    Use the same login and password for both X-Cart and WordPress.

  • Mirror the design of your X-Cart site on your WordPress blog.

    Adapted for the responsive layout.

  • Enjoy all the features of both X-Cart and WordPress in one area

    The full power of the most known blogging software in the world right in your X-Cart store.

  • Possibility to display recent posts on the X-Cart pages

If you're looking for an opportunity to display eCommerce blocks inside your WordPress site, you need another add-on by X-Cart, it's free=)


Average rating:
Score: 4.2 (votes: 34)
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  • Dec 31, 2022, 20:47
    I don't like to leave negative reviews but this add-on has to be highlighted for how dreadful it is. One would think with Wordpress, it would be difficult to go wrong but, unfortunately, what you get for your $200 (+ VAT!) (per annum!) is a hugely stripped down version of Wordpress that can barely produce a blog post. For example:
    - no matter how you resize an image, it comes out full size.
    - galleries come out as images under each other, not as galleries
    - pagination doesn't work
    - you can't embed any of the usual Wordpress embeds like YouTube videos, etc.
    - you can't embed products into your posts
    - I can't tell for sure but I don't think it is of any benefit to SEO, which seems to be the main reason to blog these days!

    Don't even think of adding plugins as 99% of them don't work.

    I have tried to engage with the developers of the plugin because much of the issues appear to be due to disabling Javascript on the Wordpress add-on but they have no plans to update it to make it any more than the most basic of blogging tools.

    If your store is hosted by XCart, you won't be able to get a subdomain without an extra charge on a different server so that's not going to be an option so I think your best bet is to buy a cheap domain with the extension .blog and host your own blog there.

    The alternative add-on is also very basic but does the job a little better insofar as it integrates with your store. It's also $110 cheaper per annum.

    I hope the developers will see fit to improve this add-on in time but as of the end of 2022, my advice is to not go near it.
  • Mar 9, 2020, 21:46
    It looks like garbage on our site and if you click on any posts to read them or go to the 2nd page it loads on its own with absolutely no template or theme at all, just plain text on white and looks extremely amateurish. The entire process of how it works with wordpress is confusing and this module is misleading.