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NOTE from X-Cart team: the same functionality can be achieved by Custom CSS in ThemeTweaker, however, this add-on allowes you to add irrestricted usage of external JS
Custom build JavaScript and CSS files to empower your X-Cart instance.This little add on give your store the ability to use custom JS and CSS files where you use raw scripts enclosed by JS or Style tags or even targeting external scripts like the ones available in CDN references.This allows your X-Cart installation to use external scripts that will empower your X-Cart to use messaging systems, data gathering systems, social media integration, etc.We created this initially for our store usage but after noted that nobody had anything so simple and yet so important and powerful in the X-Cart addons marketplace we decided to share with others.This addon allows integration B2B and B2C interaction systems that without it the X-Cart owner would have to pay hundreds of dollars for a custom coded integration.This simple addon permits interactions between X-Cart in-numerous other third party systems via JavaScript. Merchants can link to systems that allows you to do order updates, data sync, product updates and more.