Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

  • $99.00
Included in Ultimate, Platform, Marketplace, Auto, Enterprise.
    Compatible: 5.0.0.x - 5.5.1.x
1 year of free upgrades
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Author: Qualiteam
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Customer Satisfaction
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Know how your customers rate your store and service, collect customer reviews and learn what they suggest. React to every piece of feedback. Do not let small problems grow and become a risk for your store reputation.

Key features

  • Collect customer feedback on every order

    Every time an order is completed, the buyer gets an email with a request to rate your store and service right from their email inbox. You can specify the order shipping status in which the request to rate your store should be sent to the buyer on the add-on settings page.

  • Extra questions for not fully satisfied customers

    Customers who do not give the highest rating are offered to fill up a short survey and leave a comment to clarify why they are dissatisfied.

  • Configurable survey

    You may add, sort and delete survey questions to adapt the survey for your business.

  • Customers share their good experience

    Satisfied customers are offered to share their positive experience in social networks.

  • Feedback management

    There is a page in the admin back end of your store providing comprehensive information about the feedback collected. This page allows you to change the status of and leave comments for any feedback entry that is stored. Moreover, the store admin is notified about every new instance of feedback by email to make sure all feedback is processed in a timely manner.