Translation: Dutch

Translation: Dutch

Available in Free, Business, Multivendor, Ultimate.
    Compatible: 5.1.0.x - 5.5.1.x
1 year of free upgrades
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Author: X-Cart team
Installations: 1535
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This add-on translates your shop interface to Dutch, covering both administrator's and customers' areas.


This add-on is a contribution of X-Cart community. Kindly shared with you for free by one of X-Cart users, this translation may contain some non-translated labels which appeared in later versions of X-Cart 5 or which were added by custom add-ons you installed.

Installing this add-on, you should be ready to add the missing labels as described here, and we'll appreciate of you share the results of your work with the community, as your "predecessor" did.

Please email your contribution to


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