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GDPR Cookie Consent - Clym (not supported)

by Clym
One platform for global privacy needs.
    Compatible: 5.3.0.x - 5.3.6.x
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Author: Clym
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GDPR Cookie Consent - Clym
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GDPR compliance for X-Cart. 

Clym is the data privacy platform that helps you meet data protection obligations. Cookies, Consent, Requests, Policies and more are all managed in a secure and adaptive platform.

Our GDPR Cookie Consent plugin helps you easily set up Clym for your X-Cart website. Here's how:


Clym covers 6 main areas of compliance with data privacy laws:

Cookie Consent Management
Make consent easier. Capture or withdraw cookie consent in a clear, unambiguous and ongoing way, at any moment.

Consent Receipts
Proving compliance is just as important as being compliant. We help you demonstrate compliance by generating a Consent Receipt whenever a user performs a new consent action.

Subjects’ Requests
Empower users to enforce their legal rights. Collect, Track and Manage subject requests related to their rights and get notified when new requests are submitted, so you can act on them on a timely manner.

Terms, Policies, Agreements & Procedures
Modify, update and publish new versions of your Policies at any moment, in a transparent way. Create and manage agreements and procedures in accordance with privacy legislation.

Organisation & DPO Data Management
Build trust and show transparency by creating a public organisation profile that includes both organisation and DPO contact information.

Keep your doors open to all parties, regardless of their location, as we provide flexible setup per country. This gives users a choice of their preferred language and you the option of managing policies individually for different jurisdictions.

More on Features.


Gain customer trust
Display transparency and grow your business by showing your customers you respect their rights and care about their privacy.

Save time on your compliance process
Clym’s 10 minute integration and pre-built GDPR processes allow you to focus on your business while working through compliance requirements.

Avoid risk
Clym helps you minimise the risk of being fined, losing customer data or business to a minimum through encryption, anonymization and control.

Prove compliance
Rest assured you’re covering GDPR’s principle of accountability through consent receipts published in Clym’s ledger and a fully audited system.

Make consent easier
Don’t overwhelm your customers with time-consuming GDPR processes. Clym makes consent management a breeze, while allowing them to withdraw consent at any moment.

Keep your doors open to European customers
Europe’s new privacy law is changing the face of business, but is no reason for you to give up on your EU customers. We help you keep them close.

Minimise your GDPR compliance costs
Keep your IT resources focused on the projects that truly move the needle for your organisation. We provide an enterprise product for an affordable monthly payment.

You focus on your business. We focus on compliance.
We optimise for compliance by keeping a close eye on data privacy legislation around the world, so you can focus on what matters most: your business.

Through all its functionalities, Clym provides a head start in compliance with data privacy regulations such as the GDPR.

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