Lookup product details by UPC and name

Lookup product details by UPC and name

  • $355.00
    Compatible: 5.2.0.x - 5.3.6.x
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Author: Qualiteam
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Lookup product details by UPC and name
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Have product data and images added to catalog at one fell swoop, keeping it accurate and up-to-date. You don't need to painfully invent descriptions for dozens of your products, just rely on those that others have created for you. The add-on integrates your store with external product libraries such as Itemmaster, Aerse, Outpan, and Amazon, which contain high quality product descriptions, images, and specifications from official sources.

With this add-on enabled there appears an additional tab on the product details page, where you should specify the product name and manufacturer or UPC/ISBN to find images and description for this product. Also, the add-on adds Quick product creation page into the Catalog section in the back-end. On this page, the store administrator looks for a product description and then creates a product on the basis of this description. The add-on takes the following data from product libraries: name, images, description, attributes, vendor name and UPC / ISBN (if UPC/ISBN and Mnf#/Vendor# fields add-on is enabled).

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