Order Status

Order Status

  • $45.00
    Compatible: 5.2.0.x - 5.5.1.x
1 year of free upgrades
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Installations: 670
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Order Status add-on allows customers to check their orders status without logging in or even without having an account with the store. Customers without store account cannot login to the store and cannot check their order status. This add-on makes it easy for them to check if order is on hold or if it was processed and shipped. The add-on will also allow them to track their shipment.

Key Features

  • Installs as a add-on so you can easily turn it on/off when required.
  • Ask customers to provide order email and/or order billing zip code in addition to order number.
  • Customers do not have to be logged in or have an account to check the status of an order.
  • Add-on will show appropriate errors messages if provided info does not match orders records.
  • Shows shipping tracking link if tracking number is provided for known shipping carriers.

* Note: This addon has not been developed or tested with X-Cart 5 Multivendor version.

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Score: 5.0 (votes: 3)
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  • Jan 2, 2020, 22:27
    A very useful addon!!!
  • Sep 12, 2016, 08:45
    This module has saved me a lot of time as the customer can check their own order status without have to email me. One of the best modules for X-Cart 5, I highly recommend.