Product Comparison

Product Comparison

Available in Business, Multivendor, Ultimate, Platform, Marketplace, Auto, Enterprise.
    Compatible: 5.0.0.x - 5.5.1.x
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Author: X-Cart team
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This add-on allows the customer to compare the products he selected.

The attributes these products share (price, weight, custom attributes) are used for comparison. Say, you create class ‘Apparel’ and add such attributes as ‘material’, ‘brand’, ‘gender’ to this class. Once you assign the products to this class, the ‘material’, ‘brand’, ‘gender’ attributes will be editable on the product details page. This is some kind of custom fields, and all these fields can participate in comparison. In addition to class-based attributes, the comparison table always contain price and weight, as well as ‘add to cart’ and ‘remove from comparison’ buttons.

The comparison tool is arranged as a table, with the products being in columns and their attributes - in rows. By default the attributes with the same values are hidden, but the customer can select the ‘display all attributes’ mode.

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