Tax Exempt

Tax Exempt

  • $99.00
Included in Ultimate, Platform, Marketplace, Auto, Enterprise.
    Compatible: 5.2.0.x - 5.5.1.x
1 year of free upgrades
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Author: Qualiteam
Installations: 1189
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Enable tax exemption in your store:

  • Tax-exempt customers:

    a checkbox on the Customer Profile page enables the Tax-Exemption status for this user
  • Tax-exempt products:

    a checkbox on the Product Modify page makes this product non-taxable
  • Tax number - editable or not for tax-exempt customers

    By default it's forbidden for Tax-Exempt customers to modify the Tax Number field on their profile page, but the admin can optionally allow this via the add-on settings
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Score: 4.4 (votes: 25)
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