Twitter User Timeline

Twitter User Timeline (not supported)

  • $10.00
    Compatible: 5.2.0.x - 5.3.6.x
1 year of free upgrades
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Author: Tienda
Installations: 19
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Twitter User Timeline
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This module is no longer supported, but don't worry! Just contact us, and we'll arrange an alternative.

Show your latest Tweets in the left sidebar of your site via an embedded user timeline. Easily control all the user editable options of the timeline from the X-Cart admin area. Simple to set up – just add your screen name from Twitter.

Key Features

  • From the X-Cart admin area, change options and instantly preview changes on the customer side

  • Choose whether to show replies or not

  • Alter the widget height or fix the maximum number of Tweets to show

  • Choose whether to show or hide the footer, widget borders, background color and widget scrollbars

  • Embed in the sidebar with or without your theme’s block CSS

Average rating:
Score: 5.0 (votes: 1)
Please to add review
  • Mar 7, 2017, 19:07
    Very useful for customers to see our twitter feed for them perhaps to join that connection as well.