Wheel Pros

Wheel Pros

Available in Auto.
    Compatible: 5.5.1.x
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Author: X-Cart team
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The integration with Wheel Pros is built for automotive retailers and dropshippers to let them efficiently aggregate and manage product and inventory data, maintain accurate stock levels, and route orders directly from the X-Cart store.

Wheel Pros offers a wide selection of vehicle enhancements, including wheels, tires, suspension, powersports, and more. It also has a global network of over 40+ distribution centers spanning North America, Australia, and Europe.

Key Features

Direct API integration

Register with Wheel Pros, obtain the API credentials, then enter them into the appropriate areas in the X-Cart admin panel to link your X-Cart business with Wheel Pros.

Create product listings easily

Select the brands you'd like to upload and automatically import and filter product and/or stock data based on fitment, category, or other criteria.  

Connect to fitment search tools

Connect with the Year Make Model fitment search add-on to enhance your store search and maximize order accuracy.

Automate inventory management

Synchronize and aggregate inventory data in one convenient place -– X-Cart admin panel to maintain accurate stock levels.
Keep stock and pricing updated

Get inventory data from all the brands you wish to sell, and set up hourly stock updates and daily pricing updates.  

Make order fulfillment simple

Efficiently manage and route incoming orders based on real-time data. 

Benefits for Online Retailers

With this add-on auto parts business owners can:

  • standardize and synchronize automotive data;
  • filter products by category, special order, and other criteria;
  • set up regular stock and price updates;
  • simplify order fulfillment with the drop shipping services;
  • lower returns rate and improve product exposure;

Offer your car parts buyers the ultimate shopping experience with:

  • wide selection of products;
  • user-friendly and accurate product search;
  • transparent order tracking;
  • speedy deliveries.

* In order to use this application, you must already be a dealer of Wheel Pros. If you're not a dealer yet, please apply here: https://developer.wheelpros.com/gettingStarted

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