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What would you say about a newsletter subscription rate increase of 486% after only one month?
It is a real increase that can be achieved using "Newsletter Subscription Booster" from Cart on The results can bee seen the next day you install this add-on and you'll be glad seeing them.
The admin can choose the benefit sent to the visitor for the newsletter subscription: X% discount from next order, X $ discount from next order or free shipping coupon code. Coupon codes are automatically generated and sent to email subscriber. After X days (this value can be changed by Admin) the coupons are automatically deleted.
Enjoy the power of a solid newsletter subscribers list! Improve your current sales and those to come.
Free Lifetime X-Cart Add-ons and Add-ons UpdatesCart on offer free upgrades of X-Cart add-ons and add-ons, limited to the product version branch. It means, that buying a product version N.x gives right to receive free lifetime updates for the version brunch N. (N.x, N.x.x).