Migration: Restore logins of X-Cart 4 users

Migration: Restore logins of X-Cart 4 users

  • Free
    Compatible: 5.3.0.x - 5.5.1.x
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Author: X-Cart team
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Migration: Restore logins of X-Cart 4 users
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This addon is for stores migrated from X-Cart 4 using Migration Wizard version and higher. If you created a new store from scratch, this addon has NO value for you.

Here is how it works:

  1. When users are migrated from X-Cart 4, they are transferred with old password's hash and these hashes are saved as is.
  2. You need to specify blowfish key from your X-Cart 4 in this addon settings. You can find the blowfish key in /config.php file.
  3. When a user tries to log in using their old password, the addon will generate password's hash using password specified by a customer and blowfish key in the settings. If the hash matches one in the database, X-Cart 5 will generate password's hash according to X-Cart 5's algorithm and save it to the database, so the logging in will work faster next time.

Migration Wizard prior to version did not transfer passwords from X-Cart 4 as is, that is why this addon will not work in this case. However, you can update Migration Wizard to the latest version, remove migrated profiles from X-Cart 5 and migrate them again using the updated Migration Wizard addon. In this case, users will be able to log in properly.