Fashion House

Fashion House

  • $149.00
    Compatible: 5.2.11.x - 5.4.1.x
1 year of free upgrades
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Author: Qualiteam
Fashion House
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This stylish and clear template in light pastel pallet and straight cornered modern flat design will become a good fit for stores selling fashion goods.

A full-width main page slider, product categories banners and huge product images will attract your store visitors’ attention to the products you sell. Inset featured products, recently viewed, bestsellers and brand carousels, additional menu in the footer will enhance your customers’ navigation experience.

On top of that the template is SEO friendly, looks great in all popular browsers and it’s fully responsive providing convenient mobile view due to collapsed sidebar sections at the bottom, slide-out navigation and expanded category list.

You may also need with this template:

  • Banner system (+$49.00)
    The tool allows using both images and HTML-code as a banner on your store pages. It helps to promote products, events or offers using a wide list of effects.
  • Horizontal Flyout Categories Menu (+$19.95)
    The add-on changes the default categories menu in the Customer area by introducing a horizontal flyout expanding menu style.
  • My Wishlist (+$99.00)
    This tool allows your customers to add their favourite products to a wishlist.
  • Shop by Brand (+$49.00)
    With this add-on finding products of specific brands/manufacturers becomes much easier to customers.

This template is for X-Cart Business 5.2.16 and above. If you would like to use it for X-Cart Multivendor or X-Cart Ultimate contact us

Since 5.2.4 version the template has three colour schemes: fancy Pink, stylish Blue and modern Teal. Only CSS styles are involved, so if you have customized any templates using Webmaster mode before, the modification will be shared between all the colour schemes. You can also switch between them without any re-deploy.

We can tweak this template into a unique design for your business. Please review the plans we offer.

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Since 5.2.4 version the template has three color schemes: fancy Pink, stylish Blue and modern Teal. Only css styles are involved, so if you have customized any templates using Webmaster mode before, the modification will be shared between all the color schemes. You can also switch between them without any re-deploy.

Shop by brand.

The owners of this module will take advantage of brand logo carousel on the front page. Make sure to use white logo images with transparent background to make the carousel look like on the demo. If you want to change the carousel background, you can use Look & Feel -> Custom css tool. Upload a desired image to Look & Feel -> Images section, copy its css path and paste it instead of 'image_path' in this piece of css:

.brands-carousel-block,.skin-FashionHouse-customer .brand-info .brand-logo { background-image: url('image_path'); }

Product carousels.

Product carousels are built in the template. The following sections are represented in carousel view:

  • Bestsellers
  • Featured products
  • Sale
  • New arrivals
  • Customers who bought this product also bought
  • Customers who viewed this product bought
  • Recently viewed

If a product has more than four images an image-gallery carousel will appear on a product details page.

Product images.

The size of product image container in the product lists is fixed, so you can change it according to the needs of your store:

.skin-FashionHouse-customer div.products ul.products-grid.grid-list li.product-cell div.product-photo { width: 210px; height: 280px; } /* These sizes should be 2px smaller because of the parent borders */ .skin-FashionHouse-customer div.products ul.products-grid.grid-list li.product-cell div.product-photo a.product-thumbnail img{ max-width: 208px; max-height: 278px;}

Beautiful mobile slide navigation.

The template is fully responsive and it modifies default mobile navigation functionality. Mobile slide bar combines category tree, store navigation and account links in one place. It looks light and clear, easy to breath.


If you hover a product image in a product list (grid view), you can observe different icons:

  • Wishlist (if 'My Wishlist' module is enabled)
  • Quickview
  • Add to cart button (you can enable/disable it in your Admin area -> Store setup --> Cart & Checkout -> Display "Add to cart" buttons for products in grid view)
  • Compare (if 'Product Comparison' module is enabled)

Main banner.

The template adapts 'Banner system' as well as default banner rotator. It makes both of them take 100% of page width on the home page of your store.

The three images on home page.

The three images in a row under the main banner on the home page - are root category images. If you want to remove them, go to Admin area -> Catalog -> Front page ->Root category listings format: Hide. To make them look like on the demo, please, use the same proportions for these images. The images will be distributed by three in a row. The root category titles are hidden. But you can get them back using custom css tool: ul.subcategory-view-icons.subcategory-list.grid-list .subcategory-name { display: inline; }

Top navigation.

The template keeps top navigation items fit in one line. To make this line as wide as possible, you can make your logo smaller and the navigation container wider using these styles:

@media (min-width: 992px){ .skin-FashionHouse-customer #logo { max-width: 240px; /* this value is subtrahend in calc()*/ } .skin-FashionHouse-customer #logo + .navbar.navbar-inverse { /* 240px - is your logo width*/ width: calc(100% - 240px); width: -moz-calc(100% - 240px); width: -webkit-calc(100% - 240px); width: -o-calc(100% - 240px); } }

Tree-like sidebar category list.

'Horizontal Flyout Categories' module is supported as well as 'Flyout categories'. The latter looks a bit different - Every level root items have + / - icon from the right side, and subcategory list collapses / expands if you press the icon.

  • Installation and set up
  • Up to 1 banner
  • Up to 4 additional images
  • Installation and set up
  • Up to 2 banners
  • Up to 8 additional images
  • Basic icon changes
  • Installation and set up
  • Up to 3 banners
  • Up to 12 additional images
  • Any icon changes
  • Background images changes